The website serves multiple purposes and is a work in progress. It is a database providing visitors of the exhibition Territory as Palimpsest: The Legacy of André Corboz with access to additional documents, such as audio testimonials collected from former colleagues, students and collaborators of Corboz. Offering a window into archival collections based in Mendrisio, the website serves as a window for future research. It is organized along a chronological axis and based on biographical and bibliographical data. Drawing from the wealth of textual and visual sources of his estate, various facets and themes of Corboz’s work are highlighted. While chronicling the form of knowledge production that was characteristic for this autodidact, the website also shows how Corboz designed and implemented his research projects and publications over time.
Isabela Ferrari, Lucia Pennati
Design and development
Terms of use
Terms of use
Text and Manuscripts
Exhibition visits
Scientific essay
Journal article
Exhibition catalogue
Book section
Magazine article
Notes de Voyage, 1951
Early sketch of the city of Varese, Notes de Voyage, 30.03.1951
List of important readings from 1952 to 1958
List of important readings from 1952 to 1958
Flèches VIII, 1955
Flèches, 1955. Notebooks with reflections, life, philosophy, digressions, dreams
Notes de Voyage, 1957
Sicily, Notes de voyage, 1957
Notes de Voyage, 1957
Sicily, Notes de voyage, 1957
Palerme à l’oeil nu
“Palerme à l’oeil nu”, in: Tribune de Genève, 26 juin 1957.
Palerme Normande
“Palerme normande”, in: Tribune de Genève, 7 janvier 1958.
Palerme baroque
“Palerme baroque”, in: Tribune de Genève, 4 février 1958.
Pages from the Agendum notebook, 1959
Unpublished manuscript Urbanisme et Psychologie, 1959
Sketch for Urbanisme & Psychologie
Unpublished manuscript Urbanisme et Psychologie, 1959
Urbanisme & Psychologie. Unpublished manuscript, 12.12.1959
Unpublished manuscript Urbanisme et Psychologie, 1959
Drawings of mandalas and city plans
Unpublished manuscript Urbanisme et Psychologie, 1959
Drawings of mandalas and city plans
Unpublished manuscript Urbanisme et Psychologie, 1959
Châtiment des victimes. Précédé par Connaissance de la Hache
Châtiment des victimes. Précédé par Connaissance de la Hache, Neuchatel: Les Editions de la Baconnière, 1960.
Le baroque marginal
“Le baroque marginal”, in: Tribune de Genève, 1 octobre 1960.
Trip to Venice, 1962
One of the first trips to Venice, 1962
Notes de Voyage, 1962
One of the first trips to Venice, 1962
Tempietto Bomarzo, 1963
Visit of Bomarzo, Summer 1963
Tempietto Bomarzo, 1963
Visit of Bomarzo, Summer 1963
Notes de Voyage, 1963
Visit of Bomarzo, Summer 1963
Notes de Voyage, 1963
Visit of Bomarzo, Summer 1963
Geneva. Crête de Champel, 1964
Geneva, Crête-de-Champel, view from Corboz’s house, August 1964
Pont de Carouge, 1997
Research for Invention de Carouge, 1772-1792
Alba Hospital, 1964
Research for Invention de Carouge, 1772-1792
Carouge, Alba Hospital, 1964
Research for Invention de Carouge, 1772-1792
Archival research for Invention de Carouge, 1772-1792
Research for Invention de Carouge, 1772-1792
Archival research for Invention de Carouge, 1772-1792
Research for Invention de Carouge, 1772-1792
Venice, Palazzo Ducale, 1967
Visit of the exhibition I vedutisti Veneziani del Settecento at the Palazzo Ducale, Venice, 23.08.1967
West Berlin, Siemensstadt, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
West Berlin, Siemensstadt, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
West Berlin, Tempelhof, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
East Berlin, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
East Berlin, Gendarmen Markt, Französischer Dom, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
East Berlin, Schauspielhaus, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
East Berlin, State library, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
East Berlin, Friedrichstadtpalast, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
East Berlin, Chancellery bunker, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
East Berlin, Alexander Platz, 1967
Berlin, March 1967
Die Landschaft als Kunstwerk
“Die Landschaft als Kunstwerk”, in: Werk, 55, 1968, no. 2, pp. 96-101.
Invention de Carouge, 1772-1792
Invention de Carouge, 1772–1792, Lausanne: Payot, 1968.
Cartigliano, Villa Morosini, 1969
Journey through Veneto in the footsteps of Palladio, October 1969
Cartigliano, Villa Morosini, 1969
Journey through Veneto in the footsteps of Palladio, October 1969
Cartigliano, Villa Morosini, 1969
Journey through Veneto in the footsteps of Palladio, October 1969
Pages from the Agendum notebook, 1970
Journey through Veneto in the footsteps of Palladio, October 1969
Vicenza, Villa La Rotonda, 1970
Journey through Veneto in the footsteps of Palladio, October 1969
Vicenza, Villa La Rotonda, 1970
Journey through Veneto in the footsteps of Palladio, October 1969
Montréal, Avenue Marcil, 1967
Lecturer for history of modern architecture, Université Laval, Quebec
Montréal, Avenue Marcil, 1967
Lecturer for history of modern architecture, Université Laval, Quebec
Montréal, Habitat ‘67, 1969
Lecturer for history of modern architecture, Université Laval, Quebec
Montréal, 1969
Lecturer for history of modern architecture, Université Laval, Quebec
Guide d'Architecture moderne de Genève
Guide d’architecture moderne à Genève, co-authored with Jacques Gubler and Jean-Marc Lamunière, Lausanne: Payot, 1969.
Guide d'Architecture moderne de Genève
Guide d’architecture moderne à Genève, co-authored with Jacques Gubler and Jean-Marc Lamunière, Lausanne: Payot, 1969.
Haut moyen age
Haut moyen age, Fribourg: Office du Livre, 1970 (collection Architecture universelle).
Boston, City Hall, 1971
Boston, 02.05.1971. City Hall
Geneva, Parc La Grange, 1971
Geneva, July 1971. Parc La Grange
Notes de Voyage, 1972
Bourse de voyage from the British Council, for visiting the most important collections of Canaletto’s paintings in England, 27.09-20.10.1972
Notes de Voyage, 1972
Bourse de voyage from the British Council, for visiting the most important collections of Canaletto’s paintings in England, 27.09-20.10.1972
Procedimenti dell’urbanistica palladiana
“Procedimenti dell’urbanistica palladiana”,in: Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio di Vincenza, XIV, 1972, pp. 235–250.
Procedimenti dell’urbanistica palladiana
“Procedimenti dell’urbanistica palladiana”,in: Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio di Vincenza, XIV, 1972, pp. 235–250.
Per un’analisi psicologica della villa palladiana
“Per un’analisi psicologica della villa palladiana”, in: Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio di Vicenza, XV, 1973, pp. 249–266.
Per un’analisi psicologica della villa palladiana
“Per un’analisi psicologica della villa palladiana”, in: Bollettino del Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio di Vicenza, XV, 1973, pp. 249–266.
Serlio au carré
“Serlio au carré”, in: Psicon 1974, no. 1, pp. 205–218.
Bologna, S. Leonardo, 1974
Bologna, Summer 1975
Bologna, S. Leonardo, 1975
Bologna, Summer 1975
Bologna, S. Leonardo, 1975
Bologna, Summer 1975
Une icone maçonnique de Canaletto?
“Une icone maçonnique de Canaletto?”, in: Psicon 1975, no. 4, pp. 44–46.
Alexander Klein et le logement comme problème de circulation: un précédent canadien
“Alexander Klein et le logement comme problème de circulation: un précédent canadien”, in Psicon 1975, no. 2-3, pp. 57-60.
La Rénovation urbaine: Le cas de Genève, 1976
Poster, Geneva, 1976–1977
Les femmes construisent, la ville détruit, 1976
Poster, Geneva, 1976–1977
Occupation d’appartements aux Grottes, 1977
Poster, Geneva, 1976–1977
Fête populaire aux grottes, 1977
Poster, Geneva, 1976–1977
La Rénovation urbaine: Le cas de Genève, 1976
Les femmes construisent, la ville détruit, 1976
Fête populaire aux grottes, 1977
Occupation d’appartements aux Grottes, 1977
Notes de Voyage, 1975
Notes de Voyage, 1975
Notes de Voyage, 1975
Notes de Voyage, 1975
Re-Animation: Alte Gebäude für neue Funktionen, 1976
Re-Animation: Alte Gebäude für neue Funktionen, 1976
Re-Animation: Alte Gebäude für neue Funktionen, 1976
Pergamon Museum, East Berlin
Berlin, Berlin-Ouest-Siemensstadt, 1975
Postcard from Berlin, 1975
Travel tickets from Berlin, 1975
Journal du Sabbat, 1975
Riva San Vitale. Tempio di Santa Croce, 1977
Ticino, July 1977. Different photographs
Riva San Vitale. Tempio di Santa Croce, 1977
Ticino, July 1977. Different photographs
Caslano. San Michele village, 1967
Ticino, July 1977. Different photographs
Lugano. View from the Hotel King, 1977
Ticino, July 1977. Different photographs
Peinture militante et architecture révolutionnaire: à propos du thème du tunnel chez Hubert Robert
Peinture militante et architecture révolutionnaire: à propos du thème du tunnel chez Hubert Robert, Basel/Stuttgart: Birkhäuser 1978.
Zurich, ETH Main building, 1985
Professor of history of urbanism, ETH Zurich
Zurich, Office at Hönggerberg, 1991
Professor of history of urbanism, ETH Zurich
Invitation to Corboz' introductory lecture, 1981
Professor of history of urbanism, ETH Zurich
Bellinzona. Montebello Castle, 1982
Bellinzona, 22.11.1982
Notes de Voyage, 1982
Bellinzona, 22.11.1982
The land as palimpsest
“Le territoire comme palimpseste”, in: Diogène, no. 121, printemps 1983, pp. 14-35; “The land as palimpsest”, in Diogenes, no. 121, printemps 1983, pp. 12-34;
“El territorio como palimpsesto”, in: Diogenes, no. 121, printemps 1983, pp. 15-36.
Italian version in Casabella 1985.
The land as palimpsest
“Le territoire comme palimpseste”, in: Diogène, no. 121, printemps 1983, pp. 14-35; “The land as palimpsest”, in Diogenes, no. 121, printemps 1983, pp. 12-34;
“El territorio como palimpsesto”, in: Diogenes, no. 121, printemps 1983, pp. 15-36.
Italian version in Casabella 1985.
Küsnacht. Seestrasse Nr.23, 1984
Küsnacht, 06.05.1984. Seestrasse Nr. 23
Laufenberg. View from the castle hill, 1985
Laufenberg, 20.04.1985
Fünf Punkte in der Architekturgeschichte : Festschrift für Adolf Max Vogt
“Sur les Zitelle, le temple et les façades à intersection”, in: Katharina Medici-Mall (ed.): Fünf Punkte in der Architekturgeschichte : Festschrift für Adolf Max Vogt, Basel/Stuttgart: Birkhäuser, 1985, pp. 34–53.
Sur les Zitelle, le temple et les façades à intersection
“Sur les Zitelle, le temple et les façades à intersection”, in: Katharina Medici-Mall (ed.): Fünf Punkte in der Architekturgeschichte : Festschrift für Adolf Max Vogt, Basel/Stuttgart: Birkhäuser, 1985, pp. 34–53.
Canaletto. Una Venezia immaginaria
Canaletto. Una Venezia immaginaria, Milano: Electa, 1985.
Canaletto. Una Venezia immaginaria
Canaletto. Una Venezia immaginaria, Milano: Electa, 1985.
Poster for the presentation of Canaletto. Una Venezia immaginaria at the Ateneo Veneto, 1985
Canaletto. Una Venezia immaginaria, Milano: Electa, 1985.
Sketch, Solomon's Temple
Salomon’s Temple
Selection of research material
Salomon’s Temple
Letter, 1981
Salomon’s Temple
Book rental, 1980
Salomon’s Temple
Paderborn, Sketch
Verona, Sketch
Selection of research material
Book rental, 1980
Letter, 1981
Collection of postcards
Notes from borrowed books, 1981
Notes, 1995
Notes on research, 1987
References and notes
Bibliographic research, late 1990s
Request to the American Library of Congress, 1989
Maps and pamphlets, late 1990s
Bibliographic research, late 1990s
Bibliographic research, late 1990s
Bibliographic research, late 1990s
Pages from the Agendum notebook, 1987
Pages from the Agendum notebook, 1987
Investigation, 1987
Lecture, 1989
Postcard from the University of Virginia, 1998
Planning of the academic village, Thomas Jefferson, 1985
Letter to Kurt Forster, 1985
Getty Center, 1985
Getty Center, 1985
Letter, Getty Center, 1985
Getty Center, 1986
Kitchen of Corboz's apartment, Santa Monica, 1986
Between 4th and 5th Streets, Santa Monica, 1986
4th Street, Santa Monica, 1986
Das architektonische Urteil: Annäherungen und Interpretationen von Architektur und Kunst
“Mathod-Maser”, in: Das architektonische Urteil, Annäherungen und Interpretationen von Architektur und Kunst, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1988, pp. 117–138.
“Mathod-Maser”, in: Das architektonische Urteil, Annäherungen und Interpretationen von Architektur und Kunst, Basel: Birkhäuser, 1988, pp. 117–138.
Voie Suisse. L’itineraire genevois de Morschach à Brunnen
“Au fil de chemin: le territoire, ses assisses et ses doubles”, in: Voie Suisse. L’itineraire genevois de Morschach à Brunnen, Genève: République et Canton de Genève, 1991, pp. 121-157 / “Entlang des Wegs: das Territorium, seine Schichten und seine Mehrdeutigkeit”, in: Weg der Schweiz. Die Genfer Strecke von Morschach bis Brunnen, Genève, 1991, pp. 121-157.
Looking for a city in America: Down these mean streets a man must go
Looking for a city in America: Down these mean streets a man must go, with Dennis Keeley, Santa Monica: The Getty Center, 1992.
San Francisco, Museum of Modern Art, 1996
Research fellow at Getty Center, Santa Monica
Santa Monica. View of San Diego Freeway from the Getty Center, 1999
Research fellow at Getty Center, Santa Monica
Quand la montagne aussi a une histoire. Mölanges offerts à François Bergier
“Sur l’élasticité du paysage alpestre dans la peinture”, in: Martin Körner, François Walther (eds.), Quand la montagne aussi a une histoire. Mölanges offerts à François Bergier, Bern: Haupt, 1996, pp. 447–461.
Sur l’élasticité du paysage alpestre dans la peinture
“Sur l’élasticité du paysage alpestre dans la peinture”, in: Martin Körner, François Walther (eds.), Quand la montagne aussi a une histoire. Mölanges offerts à François Bergier, Bern: Haupt, 1996, pp. 447–461.
Die amerikanische Landesvermessung oder die Verleugnung der Eigenschaften von Grund und Boden
“Die amerikanische Landesvermessung oder die Verleugnung der Eigenschaften von Grund und Boden”, in: Werk, Bauen+Wohnen, 84, 1997, no. 11, pp. 41–46.
Ordine sparso: Saggi sull'arte, il metodo, la città e il territorio
Ordine sparso: Saggi sull’arte, il metodo, la città e il territorio, ed. by P. Viganò, preface by B. Secchi, Milano: Franco Angeli, 1998.
Poster for the presentation of La Suisse comme hyperville at the Ecole d'Architecture de Strasbourg, 2000
Strasbourg, Architecture School, 22.05.2000. La Suisse comme hyperville
Le territoire comme palimpseste et autres essais
Le territoire comme palimpseste et autres essais, Besançon: Les Éditions de l’Imprimeur, 2001.
Die Kunst, Stadt und Land zum Sprechen zu bringen
Die Kunst, Stadt und Land zum Sprechen zu bringen, Basel/Stuttgart: Birkhäuser, 2001.
Deux capitales françaises, Saint-Pétersbourg et Washington
Deux capitales françaises, Saint-Pétersbourg et Washington, Gollion: Infolio, 2003.
Thônex, Residence Apollo, 2005
Thônex, 24.01.2007. Residence Apollo
Thônex. Living room of Corboz's flat on Avenue Adrien-Jeandin, 2007
Thônex, 24.01.2007. Residence Apollo
Thônex, View from the roof of the Residence Apollo towards Evian, 2009
Thônex, 24.01.2007. Residence Apollo
Thônex, Residence Apollo, 2010
Thônex, 24.01.2007. Residence Apollo
Université de Québec, Honorary doctorate, 2009
Université de Québec, Honorary doctorate, 2009
L'espace et le détour: Entretiens et essais sur le territoire, la ville, la complexité et les doutes
L’espace et le détour: Entretiens et essais sur le territoire, la ville, la complexité et les doutes, with G. Tironi, preface by V. Gregotti, Lausanne: Editions L’Age d’Homme, 2009.
De la ville au patrimoine urbain: Histories de forme et de sens
De la ville au patrimoine urbain: Histories de forme et de sens, texts chosen by L. K. Morisset, Québec City: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2009.
Sortons enfin du labyrinthe!
Sortons enfin du labyrinthe!, Gollion: Infolio, 2009.